张晓美律师是基督徒律师、涉外律师,从事律师工作22年的资深律师。毕业黑龙江大学法律系,北京第二外国语学院,1994通过全国律师资格考试, 1996职业,在2012年四月被中国人才网录入网络国际律师库,20年来,办理了大量的来自全国的各地的免费法律咨询和代理,辩护业务.十年来给多家大学院校从事法律教学工作(党校, 电大, 高等技术院校原名东亚大学,劳动局)法学功底深厚,精湛,先后多次在电视台进行法制宣传和教育活动.也在铁路工程段和各所中学 小学进行普法教育.受到了社会各界的好评,先后在省.市级和国家级报刊上多次发表学术论文,.曾在多家贸易公司担任法务顾问.对合同纠纷.民事婚姻, 刑事辩护劳动纠纷.交通肇事,医疗纠纷, 金融,保险, 外商投资, 涉外合同和涉外婚姻等诉讼与非诉讼业务具有丰富的经验和实际操作技能.针对每个公司的不同特点.提出完善的.全方位的法律风险解决方案.包括为一些公司咨询.起草成立章程及公司终止.解散协议等工作.以及参与一些企业的资产重组与改制工作.专门为企业的重组改制提供法律意见.对银行信贷及担保业务法律风险防范及处理具有独到的见解.思路新颖.处处为客户着想.待人诚信.钻研业务.思维敏捷.口才文笔俱佳.具有良好律师职业修养.办事认真.条理清晰.敢于碰硬.具有坚韧不拔的工作毅力.在客户中树立了良好的口碑.做一名优秀的律师.不仅要具备精湛的专业技能.同时还要具有高度的责任感.您的信任就是我肩上沉甸甸的责任 本律师的特长:因为专注.所以专业.曾担任数家大中型公司的常年法律顾问,为大型企业项目把关.职工法制培训,本律师尤其善于办理涉外案件.英语水平相当于专业八级(TEM-8).曾经在北京系统的学习法律英语, (合同法, 公司法,中外合资经营企业法律. 中外合作经营企业法, 外商独资企业法, 税法)能够熟练地用英语进行交流和翻译.并在多家公司担任翻译工作.具有扎实的理论基础.曾在多家贸易公司担任法律顾问.对涉外合同有相当的研究.对民商法.国际经济法等领域进行了深入的研究.对合同纠纷.劳动人事管理及争议.国际贸易纠纷.外商投资.股权转让等诉讼与非诉讼业务具有丰富的经验和实际操作技能现担任数家大中型公司的常年法律顾问和翻译工作.针对每个公司的不同特点.提出完善的.全方位的法律风险解决方案.包括为一些公司咨询.起草成立章程及公司终止.解散协议等工作.以及参与一些企业的资产重组与改制工作.专门为企业的重组改制提供法律意见.对银行信贷及担保业务法律风险防范及处理具有独到的见解.思路新颖.处处为客户着想.待人诚信.钻研业务.思维敏捷.口才文笔俱佳.具有良好律师职业修养.从事律师工作10 余年没有任何违法违纪的情况, 办事认真.条理清晰.具有坚韧不拔的工作毅力.在客户中树立了良好的口碑.做一名优秀的律师.不仅要具备精湛的专业技能.同时还要具有高度的责任感, [受人之托.忠人之事".是 我从事律师工作多年来一条亘古不变的原则.记得一个名律师说过:我觉得律师追求公平,正义,和谐没有错,但是如果追求公平、正义,和谐你赚不到钱那就是错误,我觉得就是说佛法里面有一个说法叫棒法。如果你说追求公平,正义,和谐,你那么专业都赚不到钱,这就是对律师专业的一个亵渎,我们要追求公平,正义,和谐的同时,还要得到我们应有的利益,这是我们律师应该坚持的高尚的服务,高雅的服务,有价值的服务。 (一) 1998年6月到2000年1月在黑龙江外商投资股份有限公司起草修改和翻译劳动合同, 保密协议和员工内部手册(中英文对照).股权并购协议(中英文对照)起草,修改和翻译投资协议(俄罗斯投资1000万美元)并参与公司重大项目的谈判, 参与公司的重组,并购的工作,用英语进行主持会议..财经分析. 商业报表.司法仲裁文件等.(二)2000年2月到2002年10月齐齐哈尔市红利经贸有限公司任职期间曾负责翻译起草修改和翻译劳动合同, 公司简介 公司章程.营业执照.产品说明 目录手册 用户手册.设备安装手册.质量手册.维修手册.招投标书.商业秘密协议.公司年报.会计报告.合同协议.产品说明书. 培训资料.规章制度.职工培训协议.外贸销售合同.公司章程.公司简介.商务来往信函.企划文案.开发区某大型展览公司英文网站的首页及新闻链接的全部翻译工作.收获颇丰.团队管理经验 2人收到客户的翻译业务委托后.根据现有员工情况和翻译业务的量进行合理安排.并统筹安排每个人的职责.对该项业务所涉及的翻译.修改.打印.装订.采购等等事项进行安排.并就这一过程中出现的任何问题或疑问.及时与客户进行沟通以寻求解决的方法(三)2002年12月到2005年哈尔滨亚麻集团有限公司①笔译:商业计划书.广告片手稿翻译.网站翻译.法律合同.购销合同.展会各种宣传资料.会议安排.注意事项等的翻译.政府类文件.机械手册.公司介绍等等. ②口译:负责了翻译公司承接的某机械设备公司的商务业务.即负责投标文件的翻译.与国外客户通过电话和电子邮件取得联系.并做好商务接待以及外商参观工厂时的口译工作,并为前来客户公司寻求合作的外商进行口译服务.(四)2005年1月到2006年1月大庆龙腾科技实业有限公司,这是一家专门接受公司委托来翻译各种文件和书籍的私营企业.对翻译质量要求较高.工作任务较重. 工作职责:专职翻译.联系客户并办理接受客户委托事宜.翻译并校对客户要求的各种资料.文件和书籍.工作成果:翻译的书籍:<战略管理>(经济管理类)的校对和翻译工作.翻译并校对的文件:<黑龙江齐齐哈尔资源评估报告> <消费者权益保护法>(五)2007年8月到2008年5月齐齐哈尔创新生物工程有限责任公司起草修改.校对.翻译.打印和装订工作时.对该项业务所涉及的翻译.修改.打印.装订.采购等等事项进行安排.并就这一过程中出现的任何问题或疑问.及时与客户进行沟通以寻求解决的方法.客户后来对我们的工作和服务都非常满意.在此过程中.充分利用word 的各项功能进行图片和表格的排版工作.并充分利用photshop对图片进行修改.然后将修改好的图片合成PDF文件(六)2008年9月黑龙江电子信息技术有限公司,担任该公司法律顾问.整理和翻译<与贸易有关的知识产权协议>从知识产权的开发.经营和管理开始一步一步做好基础.既能够应对可能发生的诉讼.也能够做好避免竞争对手侵权的准备.起草,修改和翻译知识产权转让.许可协议.起草,修改和翻译技术资料.技术规格.可行性研究报告.专利文献.政府公文, 诉讼文书, 企业简介, 专利文件, 招投标书, 公证资料, 法学论文. 企划文案 财经分析 会计报告 商业报表 项目报告 审计报告 公司年报 可行性研究. Education Zhang xiaomei lawyer Was born and raised in Qiqihaer city and graduated from Heilongjiang university in 1998 , major in law , and qualified and liscened lawyer certificate in 1994 , now serve as lawyer in lawyer firm in Qiqihaer city . prior to this lawyer firm , I was a teacher for a university and handed hundreds of thousands of cases including civil and commercial cases related foreign affairs m , I resigned from the teacher in the university and went to the Beijing to further my previous legal experience by studing international English law after completing my postgraduate English courses in Beijing in july in 2004 came back to Qiqihaer city continue to be lawyer at the Mingyang lawyer firm and be director of this lawyer firm . we provide legal service ( practice areas) 1corporation law and contract law Practice Areas & Expertise: specialize in international trade , foreign investment and intellectual property protection , as well as highly experienced in litigation and arbitration has wide experienced in assisting foreign clients and multinational corporation to conduct trade and make investment in china , offering services such as initial investigation , planning and legal analysis of investment projects incorporation documents drafting and corporate registration and documents filing with government authorities .service related to trade and business operations in china , contract drafting and examination , corporate restructuring ,shares transfer, taxation , foreign exchange transfer intellectual property rights registration and protection , employment and labor , reality and land acquisition , visa and work permit application now has served clients in the field of international trade (import and export ) education aviation , travel service , franchise , construction , electricity , hi-tech and more Areas of PracticeAcquisition & Disposition of Real Estate; General Business Advice; Mergers & Acquisitions; Real Estate Transactions & Development; Entity Formation / Structuring of New BusinessesZHANGXIAOMEI has been helping business owners, executives and property owners achieve their objectives for more than FIFTEEN years. This breadth and depth of experience enable her to provide her clients with strategic insights and practical advice on a wide range of business law and real estate matters.hers experience includes working with businesses in the healthcare, high tech, manufacturing, retail, service and real estate sectors. She is committed to helping her clients make the most of the business opportunities Commercial Law and Real Estatezhangxiaomeis work involves advising business owners and executives in matters relating to business planning and growth. She can provide advice and legal services at all stages of the business growth cycle — including startup, business expansion activities, transition planning and execution. she brings a strategic perspective to his work that enables clients to understand the issues they face in new ways. She has extensive experience in most aspects of commercial real estate, including lease negotiations, the facilitation of real estate transactions and real estate development activities. This experience enables her to quickly grasp the essential elements of a proposed development or real estate transaction and to provide advice and services that enable her clients to take full advantage of the opportunity before them. An Experienced Business Law Attorneyzhangxiaomei Colleagues in the legal profession admire his professionalism and high ethical standards. Clients appreciate his insights, candid advice and dedication to helping them achieve their goals. You can depend on her to help you achieve your business goals. This breadth and depth of experience enable her to provide her clients with strategic insights and practical advice on a wide range of business law and real estate matters.her \'s experience includes working with businesses in the healthcare, high tech, manufacturing, retail, service and real estate sectors. She is committed to helping her clients make the most of the business opportunities Languages: A native of china I am fluent in English and mandarin and dialect of Heilongjiang Self evaluation self evaluation Have a excellent communication skill and team work ability and proficiency in the use of office software such as word excel powerpoint and understanding and strong sense of responsibility and work initiative and strong minded and stick to principle 我的联系方式是15845650768 我的qq 1420218121 邮箱beautylawyer660101@163.com 我是张晓美律师免费咨询电话15845650768,张晓美涉外律师“我喜欢的一句话“钢铁的意志温柔的心”——刚强不是只属于男人而温柔也不只是女人的专利,温柔是我们对心的承诺,刚强是我们对世界的担当。”